Have you ever received a call from your bank because they suspected fraudulent activity? Most banks can automatically identify when spending patterns or locations have deviated from the norm and then act immediately. Many times, this happens before victims even noticed that something was off. As a result, the impact of identity theft on a person’s bank account and life can be managed before it’s even an issue.
Having a deep understanding of the relationships in your data is powerful like that.
Consider the relationships between diseases and gene interactions. By understanding these connections, you can search for patterns within protein pathways to find other genes that may be associated with a disease. This kind of information could help advance disease research.
The deeper the understanding of the relationships, the more powerful the insights. With enough relationship data points, you can even make predictions about the future (like with a recommendation engine). But as more data is connected, and the size and complexity of the connected data increases, the relationships become more complicated to store and query.