Kubernetes (or K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It’s a powerful tool for building and deploying sophisticated applications and scaling those applications to meet business needs.
Containerized applications can automatically request resources without involving IT Operations or other authorization. This can be incredibly effective for application scaling, but it can escalate costs unexpectedly. Which raises the age old question, who is paying the bill for these shared cloud resources? When costs are not allocated directly to their department, users can tend to treat the resources as free, driving up costs and leading to inefficiencies.
This White Paper lays out the path towards overcoming these issues, with more transparent cost allocation and using tools like Yotascale’s automated tagging of resources, to ensure nothing is ever overlooked at a company-wide scale.
Josh Hamilton is an aspiring journalist and writer who has written for a number of publications involving Cloud computing, Fintech and Legaltech. Josh has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Law from Queen’s University in Belfast. Studies included, Politics of Sustainable Development, European Law, Modern Political Theory and Law of Ethics.