Author Archives: Lucian Systems

Amazon Bedrock now provides access to Cohere Command Light and Cohere Embed English and multilingual models

Cohere provides text generation and representation models powering business applications to generate text, summarize, search, cluster, classify, and utilize Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Today, we’re announcing the availability of Cohere Command Light and Cohere Embed English and multilingual models on Amazon Bedrock. They’re joining the already available Cohere Command model. Amazon Bedrock is a fully […]

AWS Weekly Roundup – CloudFront security dashboard, EBS snapshots improvements, and more – November 13, 2023

This week, it was really difficult to choose what to recap here because, as we’re getting closer to AWS re:Invent, service teams are delivering new capabilities at an incredible pace. Last week’s launchesHere are some of the launches that caught my attention last week: Amazon Aurora – Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift is […]

Unleashing Productivity and Innovation: The Critical Role of Cloud Collaboration

The Shift from Traditional Office-Based Work to Digital, Remote, and Hybrid Models The landscape of work has undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. Traditionally, work was synonymous with a physical location – the office. This changed dramatically with the advent of the internet and digital technologies. Initially, technology simply supplemented the office […]

How the semiconductor industry is leveraging high-performance computing to drive innovation

Semiconductors act as the secret powerhouse behind various industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to financial services. In the last few years alone, we’ve seen how essential semiconductors can be and why companies need to develop this technology rapidly to maximize productivity. As semiconductor manufacturers strive to keep up with customer expectations, electronic design automation (EDA) […]

New for Amazon Comprehend – Toxicity Detection

With Amazon Comprehend, you can extract insights from text without being a machine learning expert. Using its built-in models, Comprehend can analyze the syntax of your input documents and find entities, events, key phrases, personally identifiable information (PII), and the overall sentiment or sentiments associated with specific entities (such as brands or products). Today, we […]

New – Manage Planned Lifecycle Events on AWS Health

We are announcing new features in AWS Health to help you manage planned lifecycle events for your AWS resources and dynamically track the completion of actions that your team takes at the resource-level to ensure continued smooth operations of your applications. Some examples of planned lifecycle events are an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) […]