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At Lucian Systems we always like to stay up to date about the latest news in our industry.

That is why we show you the most recent blognews from Amazon, All Things Distributed, Cloud computing news and CloudTweaks.

The Cloud is Heading to an Entirely New Formation in 2023

The relationship between developers and the cloud was practically love at first sight. For years, migration to the cloud in countless industries continued unabated in light of its economy, flexibility, and scalability. But as cloud costs continue to skyrocket and as economic volatility has led to significant cost-cutting in businesses across the board, that is […]

Amazon S3 Encrypts New Objects By Default

At AWS, security is job zero. Starting today, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) encrypts all new objects by default. Now, S3 automatically applies server-side encryption (SSE-S3) for each new object, unless you specify a different encryption option. SSE-S3 was first launched in 2011. As Jeff wrote at the time: “Amazon S3 server-side encryption handles […]

How to Cruise the Cloud in 2023

For the past several years, most organizations have made it their priority to shift much of their applications and data from on-premises to the cloud. However, despite widespread cloud adoption, organizations are still struggling to achieve workload efficiency, deepen cloud maturity and ensure that their teams are fully cloud literate. As organizations evaluate their approach […]

What Is SASE and Why It is Critical for Cloud Security

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is a term coined by Gartner to refer to a new architecture for networking and security that combines both functions into a single, cloud-based service. SASE is designed to provide secure and seamless access to applications and resources across an organization’s entire network, regardless of where they are located or […]

Modern Auth and Exchange Online Migrations: What IT Professionals Should Know

Microsoft has phased out Basic Authentication (Basic Auth), replacing it with Modern Authentication (Modern Auth) to provide increased protection and user security. Through this, Microsoft has turned off Basic Auth for specific protocols in Exchange Online, causing some to wonder how this change will impact Exchange Online migrations. Those looking to do Exchange Online migrations […]

Key Components for a Development of a Speech-To-Text Transcription Technology

When you think of speech recognition and the ability of computers to recognize words, you probably think of modern devices such as Siri and Alexa. You wouldn’t be wrong, and the market for such software is constantly growing. The first speech-recognition machine ever was introduced by IBM in the distant year of 1962. This machine, […]